Published: February 24, 2023

Event Date: March 30, 2023

WIT Legal’s Michael Connelly will be joining a panel for ACI’s 15th Annual Practitioners’ Think Tank on ITC Litigation & Enforcement on March 30th, 2023.

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WIT is proud to support ACI’s ITC Litigation and Enforcement conference as it brings together key members of the ITC bench, senior ITC attorneys, and leading in-house counsel for two days of focused keynote sessions and dynamic panel discussions. Topics covered include public interest considerations, domestic industry decisions, and new developments at the ITC.

Panel: Insight into the ITCs Approach to Standard Essential Patents

Thursday, March 30, 2023 | 11 am ET

  • New developments in SEPs at the ITC and globally
  • Analyze recent SEP case developments and understanding recent policy statement
  • Evaluate when the ITC might order the exclusion of articles infringing SEPs, and the types of restrictions on remedy that could stem from F/RAND commitments
  • Explore prospects for future exclusion orders on standard-essential patents (SEPs)


Michael Connelly, President, WIT Legal 
Blair M. Jacobs, Principal, McKool Smith LLP

To learn more about the conference and register, click here.

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